2025-04-09 / 10
Hotel "Vilnius Grand Resort"Number of participants:
iki 12Content of training
Why some speakers attract great attention, while others fail to achieve that;
Busting the presentation related stereotypes;
Factors, determining apersuasive presentation;
Evaluation of participants’ public speaking skills;
Clear and universal algorithm for an effective presentation;
Preparing a presentation efficiently;
Overcoming stage fright;
Start of a presentation – how to “sell” yourself and the topic;
Main part of the presentation – selling the principal idea;
Things they don’t teach in acting class: how to sell any idea to any person;
Effective needs actualization technique in presentations;
Activating the listeners during the presentation;
The 21st century visual aids mania: how to prepare really effective visual aids;
Proper use of visual aids: ensuring that the aids actually help, rather than hinder;
The ways to keep the initiative and control the audience throughout the presentation;
End of presentation – call for action or die!
The bank of gold ideas.
Participation fee
690 EUR
+ VAT per person640 EUR
+ VAT per person, when registering 3 or more employees from one companyREGISTRACIJA
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2025-04-09 / 10
*Select the desired date
2025-04-09 / 10
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